Hi, I’m Tracy. I live in Hutton House onsite at David Lewis Centre. I’ve lived in a few different houses since I’ve been at David Lewis but this one is definitely my favourite!
I have a good life here and am always busy. On weekdays I volunteer in the David Lewis shop and café. I’ll stock the fridge, work the till and have a chat with the customers. I like the sense of routine and I love saying hi to everyone who comes in.
Recently we went on holiday for a week to Wales. It was brilliant and we had a great time on the beach and in the local area. I got to eat loads of fish and chips too. (Don’t forget the mushy peas!)
My favourite night of the week is on a Wednesday. This is disco and bingo night onsite! It’s such good fun and I walk there and back on my own.
All the staff here call me a mermaid because I love swimming so much. Sometimes I go to the pool here at David Lewis, other times we go in the car to the swimming baths. I don’t mind really, I just love the water and I’ve got loads of swimming certificates on the wall in my house. Once I swam 60 lengths!
When I’m chilling at home I relax by making pom poms using knitting wool. I’ve been doing it for a while now and I reckon I make about ten a day on a good day! The staff are brilliant and help me turn them into decorations – the best one is my initials on the wall, made out of pom poms!
Last year I sold some of the pom poms I’d made at the Christmas fayre and I raised £100 for David Lewis. They were really pleased and put me on Facebook! Now I’ve been asked to decorate the tree in reception, so I can’t wait to get going with that. You never know, one day I might get asked to open a pom pom shop!