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...at David Lewis School
Students in 2023
Why Choose David Lewis?
Our flexible and personalised curriculum allows learners to study on a day, weekly boarder or residential basis, anything from 38 weeks term time only to a full 52 week residential placement. We provide support for learners as per assessed need.
We offer a truly holistic learning environment and residential “Waking Day Curriculum” with access to on-campus therapists, medical specialists and specially trained staff.
We have a wide ranging curriculum with access to excellent learning facilities on our large campus. Teaching takes place in small groups and teaching methods are always differentiated to meet the needs of every learner. Every student learns differently and we pride ourselves on our differentiation of learning and inclusive approach. The majority of learners graduate from the school to our college on the same site, or to our adult provisions.

Children and young people benefit from our broad and balanced curriculum with meaningful learning opportunities that focus on National curriculum subjects and the promotion of communication, independence and life skills, including preparing for the world of work.
From the time of application, we ensure that we take the time to understand all there is to know about anyone who wants to come to study at our school.

We work with learners to find out:
- their aspirations
- what skills they already have
- what they need to work on
- what they enjoy – and equally, what they don’t!
We are then able to create a personalised learning programme that is suited to the learner’s aspirations and planned educational outcomes from their Education Health and Care Plan.
School Application