Specialist Support
Multi-Disciplinary Team
Our multi-disciplinary team approach is a vital resource and it’s one of the keys to our success.
The Multi-Disciplinary Team comprises of a group of professionals with expertise in medical, clinical, therapies, education and care. Consultant paediatric and adult neurologists, psychiatrists and neuropsychiatrists work with David Lewis’ own medical and specialist teams to provide expert advice and support.
“Teachers, support staff, therapists and other professionals work exceptionally well together to ensure that Learners are emotionally secure, safe and extremely well cared for. Learners thrive in an environment that takes full account of their complex learning, communication, behavioural and medical needs” Ofsted
Our team of specialists is dedicated to understanding the impact of a learner’s disabilities on their lives and their learning. Our team take a holistic, integrated approach to learning and care, helping each learner to progress and achieve to their full potential.
At David Lewis, our multi-disciplined approach to supporting learners is what makes us unique and successful. As well as being supported by educational specialists, if required, learners are able to access excellent care, medical, clinical and therapy input:
- Medical
- Specialist nursing service
- 24/7 emergency nursing service
- Psychology and Behaviour Support Service (PABSS)
- Speech, Language and Communication Specialist Support
- Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy
- OT, including sensory support
- Social work team
Residential Learners
Our on-site medical and clinical team ensure learners receive the medical and clinical care they need: A clinic for all general nursing and GP issues, neurology, neuropsychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, clinical psychology, behaviour support specialist, visiting dentist, dietician, chiropodist and optician services, EEG facilities, pharmacy, 24 hour nursing cover, direct links with audiology and full time doctors and nurses. Our unique service sees joint working between Paediatric Neurology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology focus on the interaction between neurological conditions including epilepsy and autism and behaviour.
Day Learners
For medical and clinical care, day learners remain the responsibility of their local GP and NHS trust. Trained care staff will administer routine medication for any learner that requires it during the educational day and our clinical team are available for emergency care.
Psychology and Behaviour Support Service (PABSS)
A Clinical Psychologist, Board Certified Behaviour Analyst and Behaviour Management Advisors undertake specialist assessments and advise on the management of a wide range of behavioural issues.
PABSS is able to carry out detailed psychological and behaviour assessments and design management programmes tailored to individual learner needs. They may also work with some learners on an individual basis to help with a range of emotional issues.
Many learners have an established need for PABSS input at the time of admission with plans often already in place before they arrive. These are reviewed regularly and further assessment, advice and support is provided on an on-going and flexible basis.
Speech, Language and Communication Team
Our Speech, Language and Communication Team consists of qualified speech and language therapists and assistants who are supported by trained specialist communication support staff in college.
Learners are assessed for their level of understanding and their communication skills. Individual speech, language and communication plans are developed and targets are set to support each learner’s communication progression.
Physiotherapy, Hydrotherapy and Sensory Occupational Therapy Support
Our team consist of qualified therapists and assistants assess learners’ requirements and complete a therapy plan. From this plan, a programme is developed and services and support staff are identified to deliver this. Again, targets are set to support learners’ progression in this area.
Social Work Team
Safeguarding of Children and Young Adults
David Lewis has robust procedures in place in relation to the protection of those in our care. Our on-campus Social Work Team are responsible for all referrals of allegations, suspicions and concerns.
All staff working within the college receive a high level of annual training. Policies and procedures for the safeguarding of those in our care must be adhered to at all times. The Social Work Team also work closely with learners and can make referrals for advocacy.