How your donations and support help people to live remarkable lives.
How we spend fundraising donations…
Over the years fundraising has helped us to make some big things happen!
With your support, we’ve purchased specialist mobility hoists, refurbished residential properties and helped to make our site more wheelchair accessible. Our swimming pool has been upgraded with new changing facilities and a dipper chair. We’ve bought sensory equipment to de-stress school pupils who find their environment overwhelming and created a Forest School onsite. We’ve also used donations to develop our work at Top Farm, providing feed for the animals and buying essential gardening equipment.
On a day to day basis, your support helps us to attract and keep good staff, who provide friendship and care to people with complex needs. It helps us run our joyful calendar of events onsite, celebrating Easter, Christmas, birthdays and major events and holding regular productions.
Through supporters like you, we help people live remarkable lives here at David Lewis. Thank you!
Read more about our impact here.
How your donations help
This year we’re raising money for all sorts of new developments and upgrades onsite. We want to buy new accessible bikes, build an orchard up at Top Farm and launch a new sensory zone.
At the same time, we’ll be refurbishing and improving our residential properties and facilities. We’re doing all of this whilst facing a real strain on our resources due to the current economic climate.

Keep in touch!
There are so many events, courses, roles and news stories, we’d love to be able to email you about them.
Please sign up using this form and we’ll keep you updated.