Clinical & Therapy Services
Develop & Grow
At David Lewis we have a versatile range of both clinical and medical support specialists to ensure every person has access to the support that best suits their individual needs.
Clinical & Medical Support

We have an on-site clinic providing access for the people we support to the clinical and medical services. This includes:
- Our own fully equipped walk-in clinic with comfortable examination chairs
and couch supported by the 24/7 nursing team - Warford Site has the provision of David Lewis Medical Practice as a registered GP Service, the GPs are provided by Chelford Surgery, offering primary care including:
- Treatment and management of chronic common conditions and illnesses and other acute disorders
- Referrals to secondary care
- Annual Physical Examinations
- Long-term condition reviews
- Vaccinations
- National screening management
Click the link below to visit the Chelford Surgery website.

- We have medical officers who work under the guidance of our Consultant Neurologists from Northern Care Alliance through Salford Royal Hospital:
- Provide individualised care plans & treatment for complex Epilepsy
- Close monitoring & regular reviews including new specialist medication prescribing with the people we support
- Regular risk assessments of SUDEP (sudden unexpected death in epilepsy) providing information and advice on measures to reduce this risk.
- STOMP (stopping over medication of people with a learning disability autism or both) reviews
- Multidisciplinary (MDT) working & advocacy to meet our people’s needs
The clinic facility also includes:
- A small in-house pharmacy provided by Andrews Dispensing Pharmacy
- A weekly Dental Surgery run by Weston NHS Dental service
- A weekly Consultant Neurologists clinic in shared agreement with Northern Care Alliance through Salford Royal Hospital
- Dietician services provided by shared agreement with Macclesfield NHS
Trust Dietetics

David Lewis Centre Cover Nursing Team (CCN) – Warford
Our onsite Centre Cover Nurses work alongside the medical and GP services, to provide a 24-hour emergency support for acute illness, incidents and minor injuries.
This has been shown to significantly prevent avoidable visits to hospital A&E departments and/or hospital admissions. The team support the residential care teams with any clinical or medical concerns and also with health promotion programmes. The Centre Cover Nursing Team consists of Registered General Nurses (RGN), Learning Disability Nurses (RNLD). Some are dually trained and some are also Non-medical Prescribers (NMPs). The nursing team are supported by two Health Care Assistants (HCA).

CCN co-produce care and treatment plans with the people we support and their teams, providing routine clinical services including:
- Venepuncture and blood sampling along with other tests
- Electrocardiography (ECG);
- Immunisations & vaccinations;
- Chronic disease monitoring;
- Annual Physical Examinations (APE’s);
- Vagal Nerve Stimulator (VNS) clinics;
- Diabetes clinics;
- Wound assessment, management & treatments;
- Non-medical prescribing & Patient Group Directives (PGD’s) to supply and/or administer specified medicines, without them having to see a GP
- Multidisciplinary (MDT) working & advocacy to meet the people
we support’s needs
CCN also provide a rapid response service attending to incidents such as significant epileptic seizures, falls and injuries.
We work closely with our local hospitals patient experience teams to ensure our people receive the best possible care. When an admission and discharge is required, the team will liaise with the external agencies to ensure the appropriate reasonable adjustments can be accommodated. Each residential person we support has a Patient Passport. This travels with them if they need hospital treatment, and includes any person-centred nursing care plans ensuring important information is communicated efficiently with the external agencies.

David Lewis Specialist Nurses
David Lewis has a Learning Disability Nurse (RNLD) and a Mental Health Nurse (RMHN).
Our Specialist Nurses play a vital role, working holistically with the people we support in both health and social care settings. By working with people and their families, and putting the individual at the centre of everything they do, these nurses lead the way in achieving positive health and social outcomes for people with learning disabilities & epilepsy.
Their roles include improving or maintaining a person’s physical and mental health, reducing barriers to individuals living independently, and supporting them to live a fulfilling life.

Our specialist nurses undertake several aspects of assessment and treatment/interventions. They are responsible for a high standard of holistic care for the people we support:
- Pre-assessment of new admissions and supporting the transition planning
- Providing individualised care, expertise & case management
- Multidisciplinary (MDT) working & advocacy to meet the people
we support needs - Liaising with external stakeholders (e.g., Integrated Care Board’s
(ICB’s) & NHS) - Support, education and guidance to all staff teams
- Mental Health Screening & support
- STOMP (Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both with psychotropic medicines) reviews
- Health Action Planning
- Epilepsy management & support
- C(E)TR (Care, Education and Treatment Reviews) support

The Speech and Language Therapy Service
David Lewis has a well-established team of Speech and Language Therapists and Assistants who provide communication and Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) help for the people we support.
They work within the multidisciplinary team to provide interventions alongside other medical and therapeutic advice and support.
Promoting a ‘Total Communication’ environment for the people we support, using the method which is most functional and effective for the individual, whether that’s speech, Makaton sign, gesture, body language, or use of a low- or high-tech communication aids.
Providing assessment, support and advice for the people we support who have difficulties with eating, drinking and swallowing (Dysphagia). By working together with the person, the care teams, families and the MDT (multidisciplinary team) to establish and implement strategies.

The Speech and Language Therapy team identify, promote and support:
- Inclusive communication (also meeting sensory needs)
- Communication friendly environments
- The use of visual support and signing
- Functional communication skills for life
- Accessible information
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to support expression (as appropriate)
- Differentiated and bespoke communication solutions
- Safer eating and drinking.
- The Speech and Language team receive external Clinical Supervision from a Consultant Speech and Language Therapist

Positive Behaviour Support Team (PBS)
The PBS team comprises of Positive Behaviour Support Practitioners and Advisors and a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst.
The Team Lead is also a Trauma and Mental Health in Schools Practitioner. They work as part of our MDT (multidisciplinary team), undertaking assessments and advise on the management of situations where the people we support may become anxious or distressed.
Our PBS team observe, assess and develop, in co-production with the people we support, detailed individualised positive behaviour support plans to assist the individual and their care teams to develop proactive and reactive strategies to safely and compassionately prevent and manage incidents of distress.

The PBS team is responsible for assessing the function of a persons presentation of usual behaviour by
- Assessing whether a person needs a Positive Behaviour Management techniques
- Development and monitoring of individual Behaviour Support Plans, with primary & secondary prevention strategies;
- Monitoring and reviewing of incidents which may have been challenging;
- Monitoring and evaluating the outcomes of Positive Behaviour Management for individuals
- Recording and monitoring self-protection, breakaway or safe holding techniques
- Supporting the reduction in the use of restraint and unnecessary
use of restrictions - Pre-assessment of new admissions and development of Transition
and discharge plans - General and Individualized Positive behaviour support training for staff teams
- Person-Centred Active Support plans and training
- MDT working & advocacy to meet the people we support needs
The PBS team receive Clinical supervision and Support from
a Locum Clinical Psychologist.

Physiotherapy Team
The Physio team have a well-equipped modern Physiotherapy department which includes two Physiotherapy rooms a fully maintained on site hydrotherapy pool, rebound therapy room and a gymnasium.

Our experienced physiotherapy team, provide a wide range of therapy aimed at improving the quality of life for the people we support.
Physiotherapy services include:
- Assessments of the people we support
- Pre-assessment of new admissions and support for transition plans
- Individual and group therapy sessions
- Design and delivery of programs to maintain and improve mobility
- Provision and maintenance of manual handling equipment
- Exercise programs
- Gym sessions
- Hydrotherapy sessions
- Rebound trampoline therapy
- Walking re-education
- Respiratory physiotherapy
- Post injury/surgery rehabilitation
- Postural management
- Training, guidance and support for staff when required
- MDT working & advocacy to meet the people we support needs
- The Physiotherapy team work collaboratively with:
- NHS Run Orthotic Clinic (provision and maintenance of supportive equipment e.g. splints, helmets)
- NHS Run Wheelchair Clinic (assessment and provision of wheelchairs including special wheelchairs)

Occupational Therapy Team
The Occupational Therapy Service provide the people we support to maintain or improve independence in everyday life such as; self-care, productivity and leisure activities.
Our Occupational Therapists complete a range of specific, holistic assessments which are client centred and identify difficulties and goals. Our Occupational Therapists are supported by our Skilled Sensory and Functional equipment Coordinator (SAFEC).

Interventions and treatment include:
- Pre-assessment of new admissions and transition planning
- Assess and plan occupational activities i.e., washing, dressing, eating/drinking, domestic tasks, occupational & leisure activities;
- Specialist guidance on needs promoting independence, i.e., eating/drinking aids & equipment, environmental aids, postural management & assistive technology.
- Sensory profiling,
- Person-Centred Active Support
- Sensory Yoga
- Provision of equipment, aids, adaptations to the environment
to improve engagement. - Motor skill development and activities of daily living support.
- Sensory screening/assessment, observations and individualised programmes.
- Supporting staff to execute the programmes and embed required strategies.
- Demonstrating safe equipment use to staff.
- MDT working & advocacy to meet the people we support needs

Safeguarding at David Lewis is our number one priority and therefore taken very seriously. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all the people we support. We expect all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment.
Keeping people safe is the primary responsibility that runs through every element of the charity and staff are empowered to report all concerns. Whether you are a parent, carer, family, friend or neighbour we can all play our part in keeping people safe, happy and well.
David Lewis has robust procedures in place in relation to the protection of those in our care. Our procedures work in line with Cheshire East County Council Safeguarding policies and current legislation. These procedures are embedded with our staff through our ongoing training programmes.
Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies, when there are concerns about a person’s welfare. We will ensure that any safeguarding concerns are discussed with the person and their families, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the person’s welfare.
To promote a safe environment David Lewis employs a strict selection and recruitment policy which includes all statutory checks on staff and regular volunteers including Enhanced DBS (disclosure and barring service) checks.
David Lewis has a dedicated Social Work and Welfare team which is the lead for all referrals of allegations, suspicions and concerns and we operate a whistleblowing policy to ensure that staff should have no fear about reporting any such concerns working closely with other agencies to ensure that the people we support needs are met.
If you need to report a concern, please contact any member of our Safeguarding Team at SWD@davidlewis.org.uk

Clinical & Therapy Staff Development & Training
The quality of our Clinical & Therapies team is fundamental to the services we deliver.
This is why we place great importance on the training of our staff and their continuing professional development. Ensuring that all clinical and therapy staff are updating and enhancing their knowledge and skills required to work safely and effectively in line with Clinical professional standards and the charities Quality Assurance Framework.
In the first instance, we recruit people with the right attitude and the desire and enthusiasm to make a difference. We build upon that foundation by providing a robust bespoke induction programme. We supplement formal training with a system of regular supervision and performance appraisal and ensure effective communication within and between teams.

Clinical & Therapy Quality Assurance
Our Quality Assurance (QA) Framework underpins how the Charity provides assurance for Clinical & Therapy services at David Lewis.
This ensures that the services delivered are monitored through the use of robust quality assurance and governance systems, promoting best practice and identifying and acting upon improvement and learning opportunities identified internally or externally. This QA framework is underpinned by regular auditing activity.
We are proud of our transparency in all our services and have a positive continuous learning culture. We look to learn from every opportunity when things do not work out as planned or when we can share across our service when something goes well.
This is why we place great importance on the training of our staff and their continuing professional development. Ensuring that all clinical and therapy staff are updating and enhancing their knowledge and skills required to work safely and effectively in line with Clinical professional standards and the charities Quality Assurance Framework.
In the first instance, we recruit people with the right attitude and the desire and enthusiasm to make a difference. We build upon that foundation by providing a robust bespoke induction programme. We supplement formal training with a system of regular supervision and performance appraisal and ensure effective communication within and between teams.

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